Thanks for the graphic, Simon. It is a powerful image, indeed.

Pfizer Report
Thank you, John, for sharing the Pfizer Report listing the nine pages of different types of adverse reactions suffered by the jabbed.
Companies illegally backfilling risk assessments to justify jab mandates
Thank you, Fiona, for sharing this video with Malcolm Roberts calling out companies illegally backfilling risk assessments to justify jab mandates.
C19 Science Based Information
Charles reminded us of the C19 Science website as a terrific resource. It is compiled by Dr John Droz, of North Carolina, a personal acquaintance of Charles.
Weather Manipulation
Many thanks, Laila, for sharing this video link on Aussie Floods, Weather Manipulation, Agenda 21 & Climate Lockdowns
H.A.A.R.P. technology
Thank you, Jules, for this informaiton about H.A.A.R.P. technology – The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program.
Thank you, Leah, for this video of Dr Sam Bailey speaking about shedding.
How are you feeling?
Elaine asked the highly relevant question of how we are feeling?
In her words, “Please ask your members HOW THEY FEEL generally. I feel there is something in the atmosphere/water making us feel different.
We have been feeling more tired than normal with a general disorientation. Is this explained by:
- Contents of Chemtrails from aircraft being sprayed on us OR
- Drinking water contamination OR
- General uncertainty created by the political environment?
We did feel extra tired early this week after having 2 vaccinated people stayed in our home for 4 days.
In last week’s meeting ROSIE said she feels different when her vaxed husband is home.
We have had similar feedback from other business people – they say – THINGS DON’T FEEL NORMAL.
GNN – Guerilla NEWS Network FEB 20, 2022 – Frontline Activist Updates
Thanks also, Leah, for this video.
Charles mentioned and showed his Q-Link. To purchase and find out more,
5G Installations
Simon, thank you for your information. Simon has been documenting the installation of what will become 5G since 2012 in San Francisco.
GO HERE for a video on cell phone tower pollution.
Simon also wrote some of the earliest articles on this – back in 2017:
This is the best summary of the issue in video GO HERE
The Ukraine
Thank you, John, for sharing this video on the Russian Attack On Ukraine found on the webiste UK Column News.
And thanks again John for this video on the same topic GO HERE
And, thank you Jules, for this video regarding the Ukraine and Russia.
Thanks, Rosie, for this image depicting Ukraine on the timeline.

Thank you, Laila, for this additional video on the Ukraine GO HERE
Freedom Airway
Dolores Cahill is co-founder of Freedom Airway, an airline that respects human rights.
Thanks, Jules, for sharing this video interview between Dolores and Monica Smit.
Go to Freedom Airway website HERE
Thank you, Gerry, for the following links.
GO HERE for an article on ACE2 coding variants in different populations and their potential impact on SARS-CoV-2 binding affinity.
GO HERE for a video of Dr Robert Verkerk: Covid-19 injection contents (Feb 19, 2022)
17 reasons why it is irrational to trust the medical community regarding the covid vaccines
Public health policies over the past two years have failed to curb covid at all but wrought unmitigated societal devastation. What exactly have they done right?
Naomi Wolf article: I’m not “Brave”;You’re Just a P—y.
Naomi Wolf is a globally-recognised author, loved by some, and not so much by others! Her article on being courageous or being a pussy is worthy of your consideratoin.

Driftwood – The Musical
Tania de Jong AM is one of the recipients of our FOAM notifications and Charles’ co-host on the TNT Radio program. Tania has created a new musical, based on the story of her grandmother’s life in Europe in the 1920’s. Her grandmother invented the foldup umbrella. She and her family had to flee Europe as Jews, to get away from the Nazi threats.