What Is Happening To Our Forests? By Kelly Newton-Wordsworth
Earth Food – Bronwyn Holm
Katrina Lane – Aligned Council of Australia – Talk of Our Shire 24 April 2024
Thanks, Barry, for sharing this link, with the following chat notation, “I broadcast Andrew Bridgen on Community Radio in WA.”
Bill Gates To Stand Trial Over COVID-19 Vaccine Claims
Thanks, Liz, for sharing this information.
Pacific Justice Institute
Thanks, Charles K, for reminding us of this organisation, specifically the work of Brad Dacus, its Founder and CEO. PJI is a law practice with 29 offices in 22 States of the USA that provide FREE legal services to all clients. It is funded by donations, and its core focus is protecting religious freedoms in many ways.
Legal Earthquake: SF Jury Awards Millions to Workers Denied Religious Accommodations
Thanks, Charles K, for sharing this information.
A federal jury in San Francisco has made a landmark decision, awarding over $7.8 million to six former employees of BART (San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District), who were sacked for refusing the Covid jabs as being against their religious principles.
Andrew Bridgen ‘X’ post regarding the death of Peter Lynch
The country was told Peter Lynch was a violent right wing extremist thug. Watch this video. Listen to what he says and how he says it and you will see that he was in fact just a softly spoken grandfather with concerns about the governance and future of his country that are shared by millions. He was put in prison and now he is dead. Shame on the state and the media that is supposed to protect people from tyranny, not facilitate it. RIP Peter.
Thanks, Liz, for sharing this post.
Bronwyn Holm’s recording of her presentation at World Of Wellness
Access the presentation of Bronwyn of Earthfood fame at WOW by becoming a member.
Upcoming event at WOW
Special guest Sunday 27th October: Ian Cook – Standing up to Corruption
Topic: From being the victim of ‘SlugGate’ Council Corruption to running for Council: How lan Cook took a stand, and how you can too!
Ian Cook founded the catering company ‘I Cook Foods’.
In 2019 his business was illegally closed by the Department of Health and the City of Greater Dandenong after it was wrongly connected to the tragic death of an elderly woman.
The City of Greater Dandenong then brought 91 false criminal charges against Ian and his business, which the Council later dropped after Ian revealed he had evidence that Council inspectors had planted false evidence in his factory (including a slug).
That’s how the scandal came to be known as SlugGate.
Ian is now suing the Department of Health and the City of Greater Dandenong.
He is also running for council in order to fight the kind of corruption he faces in the council.
Thanks, Felicity, for sharing this video, with the following chat notation, “This is a great video where Janine has been taking back control in NZ with Notices of liability.”
Great Australian Party
Thanks, Karen, for sharing this site for the work of Rod Culleton.

Mary Holland President of Children’s Health Defense in the USA presentation to Medical Doctors 4 Covid Ethics International
Thanks, Charles K, for sharing these links.
Mary Holland presentation: GO HERE. This is an important 37-minute presentation called “Follow the Money” that articulates the history of children’s vaccines and the corruption and evil intent behind these vaccines.
Mary Holland Q and A: GO HERE
For all of the past 300+ presentations to Medical Doctors 4 Covid Ethics Int., go to Charles K’s Rumble channel HERE
Plandemic – The Musical
We are so grateful to Dr. Robert Malone for sharing from his heart about what it takes to release a film like this.
“The Musical That Can’t Be Named” is still being censored across the internet. Even after 4 years the word cannot be uttered without being shadow banned. This 20-minute film carries the medicine of love, laughter, and healing music.
BREAKING NEWS….Clive Palmer funds class actions on behalf of 300 frontline workers unlawfully directed to get COVID-19 vaccines
Clive Palmer’s legal team today lodged class actions in the Supreme Court of Queensland seeking compensation for more than 300 police and ambulance officers who were unlawfully directed to get COVID-19 vaccines.
A doctor explains informed consent for vaccination…
Thanks, Charles K, for sharing this information.
A doctor explains informed consent for vaccination…please see below an article featuring UK Dr Elizabeth Evans’ superb presentation on informed consent for vaccination in the context of the response to ‘Covid’ and the vaccine rollout.
So wonderful to see a doctor speak on this subject so fluently and fearlessly…it’s like finding a unicorn…
The presentation is succinct, runs for about 13 minutes, very well worth watching and sharing.
And, thanks, ‘George’, for sharing this information.
Valid consent
Valid consent is the voluntary agreement by an individual to a proposed procedure, which is given after sufficient, appropriate and reliable information about the procedure, including the potential risks and benefits, has been conveyed to that individual.8-12
As part of the consent procedure, people receiving vaccines and/or their parents or carers should be given sufficient information (preferably written) about the risks and benefits of each vaccine. This includes:13 what adverse events are possible how common they are what they should do about them
Table. Side effects following immunisation for vaccines used in the National Immunisation Program schedule can be used to inform valid consent.
Criteria for valid consent
For consent to be legally valid, the following elements must be present:12,14
It must be given by a person with legal capacity, and of sufficient intellectual capacity to understand the implications of receiving a vaccine.
It must be given voluntarily in the absence of undue pressure, coercion or manipulation.
It must cover the specific procedure that is to be performed.
It can only be given after the potential risks and benefits of the relevant vaccine, the risks of not having it, and any alternative options have been explained to the person.
The person must have the opportunity to seek more details or explanations about the vaccine or its administration.
The information must be provided in a language or by other means that the person can understand. Where appropriate, involve an interpreter or cultural support person.
The Australian Immunisation Handbook provides clinical advice for health professionals on the safest and most effective use of vaccines in their practice.
Thanks, John H and ‘George’, for sharing this link.
Parents Taking Charge
Thanks, Charles K, for raising this.
Monica Smit is focusing attention on what is happening in our children’s schools. Parents Taking Charge is empowering and connecting parents to take charge of their children’s education.
Description video by Monica: GO HERE
GO HERE for the website.
And, thank you, Vicki B, for sharing this link to the existing organisation by Craig Cole, Leave Our Kids Alone.