Adverse reactions to Jabs

Jab Injuries Australia

Go to the following Instagram group for an ever-growing list of victims of the jab.

Send stories of children deaths from vaccine injury to AJ

AJ is one of our hard working FOAM members who is gathering evidence of child deaths from the jab. 

If you know of anyone affected in this way, please contact AJ [email protected]

Report Covid Vaccine Injuries – self monitoring of vaccine safety

Thanks, John H, for sharing this link to a group who are investigating the effects – especially the adverse effects – of the jabs.

The form they use was created by Craig Paardekooper, a pharmaceutical sciences student at Kingston University. He is a member of NHS Staff for Choice – a group of 2400 doctors, nurses and research staff who believe that vaccination should be by consent, and there should be no restrictions imposed on those who refuse it.


Kidspot Post about Vaccine and changes to menstrual cycles

The Facbook page for Kidspot had posted an article about changes to girls and women’s menstrual cycles after receiving the stab. The over-2,000 comments lists the hundreds of females who have experienced sysmptoms such as continual bleeding, eratic cycles and even post-menopausal women starting to mentruate again. Go to the link below and then search within the Kidspot page the word ‘vaccine’. It is the 6th or 7th post down the list as you scroll.


Issues for women and pregnant women post-stab

Thank you, Phil, for sharing this presentation on the Children’s Health Defense-Australia Chapter site explaining the issues of the stab for women and pregnant women. 


Covid: Vaccine vs infection myocarditis risk

John H. shared a very important link sowing the dangers of Jabbing kids  Moderna increases the risk of Myocarditis by 74 times. We should all be outraged by this harm being perpetrated.