Useful Pattern Interrupt with TGA Data
Kim, an experienced and highly-skilled data analyst, is doing tremendous work in sourcing and analysing jab-adverse reactions from the TGA database. What she has clarified is most disturbing and the use of her analysis may be a powerful pattern interrupt.
She has created stick figures that show the horror of the vast range of adverse events, and these stick figures cover the whole population as well as age groups.
Printing out these stick figures and giving them to people could wake some people up! This could be the crucial pattern interrupt tool for some people.
You can view her data via the following link.
Making Political History
Thanks, Phil, for encouraging everyone to join the 5-day ‘Make Political History’ program.
Go to the Reignite Democracy website on the link below to join the educational event on how to vote and make sure your vote ends up where you intend. You will also be able to explain these issues to others.
This 5-day program has a 1-hour session every day.
Invite your children to participate as well, so their votes will always be an avenue for their voice as well.
Edwin Black
Charles mentioned Edwin Black, an American historian and author.
GO HERE for his site and access to his books.
Lawyer Julien Gillespie address to the Australian Covid Inquiry
Thanks, John H, for the link to Julien Gillespie, Lawyer, addressing the Australian Covid Inquiry.
AHPPC – Australian Health Protection Principal Committee
Charles mentioned AHPPC – Australian Health Protection Principal Committee.
The AHPPC has an ongoing role to advise the Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council (AHMAC) on health protection matters and national priorities. It also advises/directs AHPRA. Its constitutional legitimacy is questionable.
Thank you, Loz, for this link to Senator Malcolm Roberts talking about the deceit amongst AHPRA, ATAGI et al.
“This unprecedented betrayal of the Australian People must be referred immediately to a Royal Commission. To the Prime Minister, the Health Minister, the federal health department, and all those in the Senate and House of Representatives, all of you who have perpetrated this crime, I direct one question. How the HELL did you expect to get away with it? We’re not going to let you get away with it. We’re coming for you, we have the stamina to hound you down, and we damn well will!” Queensland Senator Malcolm Roberts
Boycott Woolworths
Charles spoke about Woolworths’ plans to fire all unvaccinated workers.
Thank you, John H, for the image.

Concetta Fierravanti-Wells DESTROYS Scott Morrison in Parliament
Thank you, Phil, for providing this link to outgoing Liberal Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells’ damning speech aimed at Scott Morrison.
Alex Antic Senate Speech – World Economic Forum
Thank you, Fiona, for this link of Alex Antic speaking about the World Economic Forum in the Senate.
“The World Economic Forum is steeped in communist ideology. They promote lockdowns, mandatory injections and a system of digital identification. It’s imperative that we do all that we can to preserve our liberty and find out just how far the WEF has infiltrated our country and our institutions.”
Charles raised the topic of Pokeweed, and its healing properties.
However, the Government has declared this powerful plant a ‘biosecurity issue’.
GO HERE for information on Pokeweed
Off-Grid Living Festival – 9th and 10th April
Many thanks, Simon, for sharing information about the Off-Grid Living Festival.
It will be held at Centennial Park, Eldorado, North East Victoria on the 9th and 10th April.
Many thanks, Diane, for enlightening us about Nutripuncture.
GO HERE for information.
Diane also shared the website of Joe Tippens, My Cancer Story.