Anne de Buisseret presentation
Charles mentioned the video recording of a section of a global meeting he moderated last week that included an hour-long presentation by Anna deBuisseret, a UK lawyer, on why you have INALIENABLE RIGHTS.
Click on the YouTube link below to view.
Charles is happy for your to share this video with others.
Preferential Voting with Marbles! How to stick it to the Major Parties this election!
Thank you John, for sharing the video developed by Topher Field explaining preferential voting and how to vote at the next election. It is excellent and worth sharing widely.
Sharon’s Resources and Formula A coupe of weeks ago, one of our hard-working FOAM attendees supplied us with an example calculation of financial compensation for teachers who are forced out of their job due to no jab. Sharon has kindly edited and supplied this information for us, along with some other interesting points and attachments. Many thanks for your work, Sharon. 1) Free Resource 11-page document dated 13.02.2022 – ‘No Jab No Job’ info & breached laws/ data of harm etc. (in Word and PDF). 2) Statutory Declaration template – exemption from vaccination, which was recently shared on “Lawful Contracts” Telegram page by ‘Shane’ in Melbourne. I have shown it to a few people and we think it is ‘smart’. The fact that people are labelled ‘unvaccinated’ by their employers and unlawfully terminated (duress and coercion), is discriminatory. The Australian Human Rights Commission website gives cryptic information about these COVID jab mandates with the words ‘medical condition‘. By being ‘unvaccinated‘, many could be construed as being labelled with this ‘medical condition’. Being ‘healthy’ (and choosing to protect one’s own autonomy and bodily integrity), could also be deemed a ‘medical condition’, which many are being discriminated against, with these jab mandates. https://humanrights.gov.au/about/covid19-and-human-rights/covid-19-vaccinations-and-federal-discrimination-law – Scroll down to “Indirect discrimination and reasonableness”. 3) SA State Election – Sat. 19.03.2022 with early voting from 07.03.2022. The Electoral Commission SA has advised that SA Voters will be able to have an EasyVote Card which has a QR code to scan when Voters enter the early voting centres or polling booths. The QR is obtained from mySA GOV app via an icon ‘MyStateElection’ in order to register to get the QR code. See attached screenprint image taken from link to ECSA website about this: https://www.ecsa.sa.gov.au/elections/2022-state-election/easyvote-card-and-mysa-gov-app Just to let you know, since Federal Election 2019, I have been doing ‘Vote Wisely‘ guidelines to help people vote according to family-friendly values and ‘life’ issues. I have also done the NT, ACT, QLD Elections in 2020 and the WA and TAS elections in 2021. I will be doing voting guidelines for SA Election (as well as the Federal Election 5.2022 and then VIC State Election in 11.2022); but this is the FIRST use of QR for identifying voters in an Australian state election. It was NOT used for the WA or TAS Elections in 2021. Thankfully, SA Voters can easily AVOID this QR and just get their name ‘marked off’ manually via the electoral roll. BUT, is this a prelude of ‘marking’ of VOTERS for perhaps the Federal Election in May, 2022 – to then align QR identity with other myGOV & COVID safe apps and Australian passports etc.? You may be aware that some food products now have QR labels (e.g. meat products) instead of bar codes. Recently, Woolies self-serve machines have an option on a screen, to scan a QR code using your mobile and then pay your shopping bill. I witnessed this in their Dapto store last week. Is this another form of ‘marking’ or a prelude to a cashless society? Hmm. ‘Times a changing’ and quickly. |
Statutory Declaration – Vaccination Exemption template |
Free Resource for Vic, NSW, Qld teachers – PDF version |
Free Resources for Vic, NSW, Qld teachers – WORD version |

Vaccination Control Group cards
Pasquale showed his Vax Control Group card and detailed to us how he presented this card in public. It was accepted. You can get your own card via https://vaxcontrolgroup.com/
Covid-19: High Court quashes ‘unlawful’ vaccine mandate for police and defence force staff (NZ)
Thanks, Gerry, for supplying this link to the NZ news that its High Court has quashed the Covid-19 vaccine mandate for police and Defence Force staff.
BOOM Finance and Economics – Gerry links
Thank you, Gerry, for your input and links.
Don’t Stay Safe — Enjoy Life
BOOM Finance & Economics (boomfinanceandeconomics.com)
BOOM Finance and Economics | Designed for Critical Thinkers — UPDATED WEEKLY
FEBRUARY 17 2022
Thank you, Hugh and Simon, for providing this link for the Parliamentary speech of Craig Kelly.
Here is the Bitchute copy: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Q7UXYl45bUBc/
Joe Rogan interviews Maajid Nawaz
Thanks, AJ, for bringing our attention to this interview of Maajid Nawaz by Joe Rogan. AJ suggests “juicy stuff happens about halfway in, but whole thing is a great listen.”
Dr. Jerry Tennant: Healing is Voltage — The Physics of Emotions
Thank you, Jules, for sharing this video that discusses the mind-body connection and healing.
AJ’s Dan Memes
AJ is brilliant and has created some funny memes of our Dictator. Have a look.
Awaken With JP
Charles suggested to jump on to YouTube and look at the way JP Sears is using comedy to get his message out.
The jabbed at risk of AIDS?
Public Health Scotland will stop publishing data on Covid deaths and hospitalisations by vaccination status going forward because the data has shown for the past few weeks that the fully vaccinated population are developing AIDS.