Opening song: Blind Joe: I will not comply
Open DAEN Info Website – launching 22nd January.
Thanks, Sharon, for these links – and, your amazing work.
10 days to launch of OpenDAEN database. Info sourced from Australian Govt. websites: TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) DAEN (Database of Adverse Event Notifications) for COVID-19 vaccines adverse reports, plus batch numbers & serious cases reported under Freedom of Info. (FOI).
GO HERE to watch the livestream at 8:00 pm Melb time on Cafe Locked Out on the 22nd January.

WA Independent Media
Thanks, Barry, for this link and your great work.
AND HERE for Tourist Radio
Climate change action: a multi-faceted approach
Thanks, Mazzie, for this link.
Black Salve
GO HERE to discover more about this natural cancer therapy.
Pfizer reconnaît que le vaccin COVID-19 a déclenché la maladie de Creutzfeldt-Jakob chez Mauricette, épouse regrettée de Marc Doyer
Thanks, V and JoJo, for sharing this link. (Note, it is in French)
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in United Kingdom: patients treated with human pituitary growth hormone
Thanks, Therese, for your information about this.
“COVID-19 Vaccine Associated Parkinson’s Disease, A Prion Disease Signal in the UK Yellow Card Adverse Event Database Classen Immunotherapies, Inc., 3637 Rockdale Road, Manchester, MD 21102, E-mail: [email protected]. J. Bart Classen, MD* Citation: Classen JB. COVID-19 Vaccine Associated Parkinson’s Disease, A Prion Disease Signal in the UK Yellow Card Adverse Event Database. J Med – Clin Res & Rev. 2021; 5(7): 1-6.”
“Abstract: Human growth hormone (hGH) has been used therapeutically to promote growth in children for over 60 years. Pituitary-extracted hGH has demonstrated positive growth promotion since the early 1960s. In 1985, prion-induced contamination of hGH triggered a global epidemic of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease that was responsible for its discontinuation.”
GO HERE for a link that was shared.
Emergence of a New Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease: 26 Cases of the Human Version of Mad-Cow Disease, Days After a COVID-19 Injection
Thanks, Gerry B, for sharing this link.
Natural Remedy for High Blood Pressure
Thanks, Lindsay, for sharing this information. Take these elements to safely lower blood pressure.
Nattokinase, black seed oil, olive leaf extract, cayenne pepper – taken together.
Annette, thank you for this information: “Kyolic garlic capsules also are effective”

Degradative Effect of Nattokinase on Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2
Thanks, Sharon, for sharing this information.
Nattovena (stronger Nattokinase)
Thanks, John and Peggy, for sharing this link.
The 5 Health Resources
Thanks, Charles K, for sharing these five resources for integrative and wholistic health professionals and information. Thanks, Sharon, for providing the links.
AMPS: Australian Medical Professionals Society. GO HERE
AIMA: Australasian Integrative Medical Association. GO HERE
ACNEM: Australasian College of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine Inc: GO HERE
NIIM: National Institute of Integrative Medicine: GO HERE
World Of Wellness – WOW. GO HERE
HBOT: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. Ask us for a full suite of information. Sites that show the value of HBOT are attacked by TGA.
Stop World Control
Thanks, Charles K, for sharing this link. The site contains wonderful resources to help in our fight against world control, and our fight in FOAM against Autocratic Maniacs!
Revivalist Robert Clancy Detailing the Illuminati
Thanks, John and Peggy, for sharing this link.
Archbishop Carlo Vigano message to the world for 2024
Thanks, Charles K, for sharing this link.
Tim Ballard on Medical Doctors 4 COVID Ethics
Thanks, Charles K, for sharing this link.
GO HERE for Tim’s movie, Sound Of Freedom
Tune into TNT Radio on Sundays at 7:00 pm Melb time
GO HERE to tune in to Charles K hosting Mind Medicine program. Today’s guest is Tania de Jong, AM, co-founder of Mind Medicine Australia.
Thanks, Poli, for sharing this information.

Closing song: Five Times August – “Ain’t No Rock And Roll”
AMPS: Let qualified health professionals come back to work!
Thanks, Jen, for sharing this information after the meeting.
Taken from the landing page:
It is over 2 years since the implementation of the vaccine direction for healthcare workers across Australia.
Here at the Nurses’ Professional Association we believe a revocation of these mandates is well overdue and absolutely necessary.
Our hospitals are in crisis with understaffing, long hospital wait times, ambulance ramping and burn out.