Documentary Series and Research Articles by Zowe Smith: Exploring the Connection Between COVID and AIDS
Zowe Smith has produced a compelling series of documentaries, interviews, and research articles exploring the connection between COVID and AIDS. Inspired by Dr. David Rasnick’s cancer presentation, this series examines key topics such as the misuse of PCR testing, historical parallels between AIDS and COVID-19, and the potential implications of mRNA HIV vaccines.
This work was mentioned during Zowe’s recent interview with Medical Doctors 4 Covid Ethics (MDCE), and we’re pleased to share it here for those interested in exploring these critical insights.
Explore Zowe Smith’s Series:
PCR Fraud Was Pulled from the HIV Playbook – Interview with David Rasnick, PhD
Watch on RumbleFrom AIDS to COVID 1984 – Featuring David Rasnick, PhD
Watch on RumbleFauci & Gilead’s ‘Run Death is Near’ Scam Was Recycled from 1984
Retrovir vs. Remdesivir
Read on SubstackHow Fauci is Giving Healthcare Workers AIDS
With HIV Exposure Protocol
Read on Substack
“You were meant to be free”
— Zowe Smith