Senator Roberts’ COVID Inquiry 2.0
If you are interested to see the full recording of Senator Malcolm Roberts’ COVID Inquiry on Wednesday, 17 August, all 10 hours of it, GO HERE
Thanks for the link, John & Peggy.
A regular FOAM attendee, Fiona H, created a timeline of speakers and topics for Charles. See below. You are awesome, Fiona! Thanks for this!
Follow Kevin Loughrey
Thanks for your contribution this week, Kevin.
GO HERE for more information on Kevin and his work, including excellent data on the fraudulent claims of ‘climate emergency’ happenings.
The 8 News Podcast Show with Andrew Hughes
Thank you, Rosie, for alerting us to The 8 News Show with Andrew Hughes. Andrew does lots of interviews with vax injured as well. Rosie was a recent guest and this episode will be posted to the site soon.
Rosie and Charles were featured on an earlier podcast episode with Andrew Hughes.
GO HERE to listen.
Autobarn apology for rejected non-masked customers
Thanks, John H, for informing us of the apology by Autobarn to people who may have been refused service for not wearing a mask, even though they may have had a medical reason. This was covered on the Reignite Democracy website.
Brett Sutton declares his regrets
Thank you to John O’C for sharing this video of Brett Sutton – Chief Health Officer for Victoria during the most extreme ‘pandemic’ directives – declaring that “mistakes were made”. No apology, though. This short video should make your blood boil. Don’t for an instant think that Sutton ‘did his best’!!
The World – and jab mandates – According to Rowan Dean
Thank you, Charles, for sharing this snippet video of the Sky News program, The World According to Rowan Dean, where Rowan blasts the rejection of the ‘un-vaxxed’ and the whole fake and misleading Government narrative.
Dr William Bay gets de-registered by AHPRA
On 7th August, Dr William Bay stood up at an AMA (Australian Medical Association) conference and started telling the truth in front of dozens of doctors.
He had a hearing with AHPRA on 16th August, which he was not permitted to attend in person.
Thank you to Marina for sharing the following video by Dr Bay, reading out the AHPRA communication to him. The lack of natural justice is simply gobsmacking.
Club Grubbery with the former pilot, Graham Hood
Thanks, John & Peggy and Vicki later in our meeting, for sharing the following link that directs us to a growing list of interviews he is conducting with doctors speaking out.
Health care workers fired over vaccine mandate awarded $10 million in settlement
Thanks, Michael, for this information about the win for un-jabbed workers in the U.S.
Charles’ Mailbox Flyer
Charles showed the mailbox flyer that will be distributed by ANYONE who can.
We will be sharing the updated versions via a notification email to you.
The idea is for many to print out copies – whatever they can, be it x 20, x 40, x 100 – and hand deliver to letterboxes in your area.
There is a space at the top of the flyer to enter your own company, if relevant.
See below for the first edition.
The Fleming Method by Dr Richard Fleming
Charles spoke of The Fleming Method for Tissue and Vascular Differentiation and Metabolism (FMTVDM) using same state single or sequential quantification comparisons.
You might also be interested to see the following presentation by Dr Richard Fleming, via Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics HERE
10 Letters strategy of Dr Richard Fleming
Charles spoke about Richard Fleming’s strategy to write to Attorneys-General in the USA, and then ask 10 friends to do the same. It is worth reading the letter, and then considering doing the same in your country, with modification.
Andrew Wakefield presentation
Andrew Wakefield – a UK doctor who has stood up against Big Pharma and the medical fraternity since the 1990s – was a recent guest presenter on Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics. Andrew is the producer of the two Vaxxed movies, and subsequent movies, sharing the dangers of current medical totalitarianism. See his video at the following link.
Detox Protocol
Thank you, Sheree, for this link to a detox protocol by Dr Carrie Madej
Philip Altman Report
Charles encouraged us to read the Philip Altman Report. He has also prepared an introductory summary, to share with your own networks. The documents are attached below.
Sharon’s ongoing electoral research
Sharon could not be with us, however, she did share the following information to be posted within this summary.
Please find attached 2 maps showing the currently named 88 districts (not the 9 newly named districts that apply from 1.11.2022).
One map is a screenprint showing both the metropolitan Melbourne districts and the regional Victorian districts. This screenprint shows in colour whether the district is labor, liberal, nations, greens or independent. The screenprint is not the current correct split for the 88 seats but historically it is visually impacting as the pre2022 districts have changed seats.
For example the central Melbourne seat of Brunswick was Labor and is now Greens. Also, regional Mildura seat was Nationals (yellow) and is now Independent.
To try and help, I printed the screenprint image and using coloured pens and lines, by hand, I have created the 2nd attachment which is a photo. You can see many of those east Melbourne blue-coloured liberal seats (screenprint) are now red Labor – see photo.
So it’s a case of ‘spot the difference’ historically. The 9 newly named seats are not shown here (refer previous email with hello circled districts on map in metropolitan Melbourne). Anyway out of 88 currently-held seats, the split is as follows:
55 Labor
21 Liberal
6 Nationals
3 Greens (Brunswick, Melbourne & Prahan)
3 Independent (Mildura, Morwell & Shepparton)